We can’t do it without you.

Please consider supporting this vital project! All donations are fully tax deductible.


Revolutionary Walk: ongoing maintenance and renovation.
September 30th 2021 was just the beginning! Now that our Walk is open to the public, further renovations of existing walkways and seating, as well as installation of enhanced lighting, will be key to the upkeep of the installation.

New educational opportunities for our schools.
In conjunction with the Walk’s creation, we are exploring possibilities for local school districts that will focus on this remarkable episode in the history of the Revolutionary War. Developing curriculum takes time and effort, and funding this phase of the project will give educational opportunities to students for generations to come.

Ongoing public engagement.
To give our efforts life that will extend for many years to come, we will be working to create an evolving range of collateral materials for the public, including posters of the Troiani painting, a map/brochure fully describing the Battle and its context, and the ongoing updating of this website.